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Reading List (password required)

Andy Fisher's reading list:

Davis, E. E., D. S. Chapman, K. Wang, H. Villinger, A. T. Fisher, S. W. Robinson, J. Grigel, D. Pribnow, J. Stein, and K. Becker, Regional heat-flow variations across the sedimented Juan de Fuca Ridge eastern flank: constraints on lithospheric cooling and lateral hydrothermal heat transport, J. Geophy. Res., 104 (B8), 17,675-17,688, 1999.

Elderfield, H., C. G. Wheat, M. J. Mottl, C. Monnin, and B. Spiro, Fluid and geochemical transport through oceanic crust: a transect across the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge, Earth. Planet.
Sci. Lett.
, 172, 151-165, 1999.

Fisher, A., and K. Becker, Reconciling heat flow and permeability data with a model of channelized flow in oceanic crust, Nature403, 71-74, 2000.

Fisher, A. T., Permeability within basaltic oceanic crust, Rev. Geophys., 36(2), 143-182, 1998.

Peter Dodd's reading list:

A general overview of river networks and scaling is contained in here: P. S. Dodds and D. H. Rothman, "Scaling, universality, and geomorphology," Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci, 28, 571-610, 2000.

P. S. Dodds and D. H. Rothman. "Unified view of scaling laws for river networks", Phys. Rev. E 59(5), 4865-4877, 1999.

P. S. Dodds and D. H. Rothman, "Geometry of River Networks I: Scaling, Fluctuations and Deviations", Physical Review E, 63, 016115, 2001.

P. S. Dodds and D. H. Rothman, "Geometry of River Networks II: Distributions of Component size and Number", Physical Review E, 63, 016116, 2001

P. S. Dodds and D. H. Rothman, "Geometry of River Networks III: Characterization of Component Connectivity", Physical Review E, 63, 016117, 2001.

John Wettlaufer's reading list:

Wettlaufer, J. S., M. G. Worster and H. E. Huppert, The solidification of leads: Theory, experiment and field observations, J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 105, 1123 (2000).

Wettlaufer, J. S., Ice Surfaces: Macroscopic effects of microscopic structure, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A, Vol. 357, 3403-25 (1999).

Wettlaufer, J. S., Introduction to Crystallization Phenomena in natural and artificial sea ice, in Physics of Ice-Covered Seas, edited by M. Lepparanta, (University of Helsinki Press, Helsinki,
1998), p. 105-194.

Wettlaufer, J. S., M. G. Worster and H. E. Huppert, The phase evolution of young sea ice, Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol. 24, 1251-4 (1997).

Bruce Buffett's reading list:

Buffett, B.A., Clathrate Hydrates, Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci., 28, 477-507, 2000.

Kvenvolden, Keith A. (U. S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA, United States), Gas hydrates,  geological perspective and global change, Reviews of Geophysics, 31 (2), p. 173-187, 1993

Davie, Matthew K. and Bruce A. Buffett, 2001, A numerical model for the formation of gas hydrate below the seafloor, J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 106, No. B1 , p. 497-514

Dickens, Gerald R., O'Neil, James R., Rea, David K., Owen, Robert M., Dissociation of oceanic methane hydrate as a cause of the carbon isotope excursion at the end of the Paleocene, Paleoceanography10 (6), p. 965-971, 1995

Buffett, B.A, E.J. Garnero and R. Jeanloz, Sediments at the Top of Earth's Core, Science, 288, 2007-2012 (2000)

Peter Flemings' reading list:

Dugan, B. and Flemings, P.B., 2000, Overpressure and fluid flow in the New Jersey continental slope: Implications for slope failure and cold seeps, Science, v. 289, p. 289-291.

Lupa, J., Flemings, P.B., Tennant, S., in press (February 2002), Pressure and trap integrity in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico, The Leading Edge, v. 21, no. 1.

Gibson, R.E., 1958. The progress of consolidation in a clay layer increasing in thickness with time, Geotechnique, v. 8, p. 171-182.

Boulton, G.S., and Caban, P., 1995, Groundwater flow beneath ice sheets: Part II--its impact on glacial tectonic structures and moraine formation, Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 14, p. 563-587.

Dugan, B.E. and Flemings, P.B., in press, Fluid flow and stability of the US continental slope offshore New Jersey from the Pleistocene to the present, Geofluids.

Malin, M.C., and Edgett, K.S., 2000, Evidence for recent groundwater seepage and surface runoff on Mars, Science, v. 288, p. 2330-2335.

Flemings, P.B., Stump, B.B., Finnkbeiner, T., Zoback, M., in review, Overpressure and flow focusing in the Eugene Island 330 field (offshore Louisiana, U.S.A.): Theory, examples, and implications, American Journal of Science.

Rubey, W.W. and M.K. Hubbert, 1959, Overthrust belt in geosynclinal area of western Wyoming in light of fluid pressure hypothesis, 2: Role of fluid pressure in mechanics of overthrust faulting: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 70, p. 167-205.

John Ferry's reading list:

Ferry, J. M. and Dipple, G. M. (1991) Fluid flow, mineral reactions, and metasomatism. Geology, 19, 211-214.

Ferry, J. M. and Gerdes, M. L. (1998) Chemically reactive fluid flow during metamorphism. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 26, 255-287.

Achim Kopf's reading list:

Brown, K.M., 1990, The nature and hydrogeologic significance of mud diapirs and diatremes for accretionary systems. Journal of Geophysical Research, 95/B6, 8969-8982.

Kopf, A., 1999. Fate of sediment during plate convergence at the Mediterranean Ridge accretionary complex: volume balance of mud extrusion versus subduction-accretion. Geology, 27/1, 87-90.

Deyhle, A., and Kopf, A., 2001. Deep fluids and ancient pore waters at the backstop: Stable isotope systematics (C, B, O) of mud volcano deposits on the Mediterranean Ridge accretionary wedge. Geology29/11, 1031-1034.

Kopf, A., Klaeschen, D., and Mascle, J., 2001. Extreme efficiency of mud volcanism in dewatering accretionary prisms. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 189/3-4, 295-313.

Martin Hovland's reading list:

Hovland, M., 1990. Do carbonate reefs form due to fluid seepage? Terra Nova 2, 8-18.

Wendt, J., Belka, Z., Kaufmann, B., Kostrewa, R., Hayer, J., 1997. The World's most spectacular carbonate mounds (Middle Devonian, Algerian Sahara). J. Sed. Res. 67 (3), 424-436.

Dando, P. and Hovland, M., 1992. Environmental effects of submarine seeping natural gas. Continental Shelf Res., 12 (10), 1197-1207.

Hovland, M., Mortensen, P.B., Brattegard, T., Strass, P. and Rokoengen, K., 1998. Ahermatypic coral banks off mid-Norway: Evidence for a link with seepage of light hydrocarbons. Palaios, 13, 189-200.

Boetius, A. et al., 2000. A marine microbial consortium apparently mediating anaerobic oxidation of methane. Nature, 407, 623-626.

Neil Humphrey's reading list:

Fountain and Walder, Water flow through temperate Glaciers, Rev. of Geophysics, 36, 3 pp 299-328, 1998.

Demian Saffer's reading list:

Moore, J.C., and P. Vrolijk, Fluids in accretionary prisms, Rev. Geophys., 30, 113-135, 1992.

Bekins, B.A., and S.J. Dreiss, A simplified analysis of parameters controlling dewatering in accretionary prisms, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 109, 275-287, 1992.

Saffer, D.M., and B.A. Bekins, Episodic fluid flow in the Nankai accretionary complex: Timescale, geochemistry, flow rates, and fluid budget, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 30351-30371, 1998.

Saffer, D.M., and Bekins, B.A., Fluid budgets at convergent plate margins: Implications for the extent and duration of fault-zone dilation, Geology, 27, 1095-1098, 1999.

Saffer, D.M., and Bekins, B.A., Hydrologic controls on the morphology and mechanics of accretionary wedges, Geology, 30 (in press, March, 2002 issue).

Elizabeth Screaton's reading list:

Carson, B., and Screaton, E.J., 1998, Fluid flow in accretionary prisms: Evidence for focused, time-variable discharge, Reviews of Geophysics, 36, 3, 329-351.

Screaton, E., D. Saffer, P. Henry, S. Hunze, and the Leg 190 Scientific Party, 2002, Porosity loss within the underthrust sediments of the Nankai accretionary complex: Implications for overpressures, Geology, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 19-22.

Screaton, E., Carson, B., Davis, E., Becker, K., 2000, Permeability of a decollement zone: Results from a two-well experiment in the Barbados accretionary complex, Journal of Geophysical Research, Author: Screaton E., and others Source: Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, 21,403-21,410.

Gail Kineke's reading list:

Allen, G.P., Salmon, J.C., Bassoule, P., Du Penhoat, Y. and De Grandpre, C., 1980. Effects of tides on mixing and suspended sediment transport in macrotidal estuaries. Sedimentary Geology, 26: 69-90.

Blake, A.C., Kineke, G., Milligan, T.G. and Alexander, C.R., 2001. Sediment trapping and transport in the ACE Basin, South Carolina. Estuaries, 24(5): 721-733.

Kineke, G.C., Sternberg, R.W., Trowbridge, J.H. and Geyer, W.R., 1996. Fluid-mud processes on the Amazon continental shelf. Continental Shelf Research, 16(5/6): 667-696.

Kineke, G.C. et al., 2000. Sediment export from the Sepik River, Papua, New Guinea: evidence for a divergent sediment plume. Continental Shelf Research, 20: 2239-2236.

Kirby, R. and Parker, W.R., 1983. Distribution and behavior of fine sediment in the Severn Estuary and Inner Bristol Channel, U.K. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 40(Suppl.1):

Bruce Marsh's reading list:

Marsh, B.D., 1996. Solidification fronts and magmatic evolution, Mineralogical Magazine, v. 60, 5-40.

Hort, M., B.D. Marsh, R.G. Resmini and M.K. Smith, 1999. Convection and crystallization in a liquid cooled from above: An experimental and theoretical study, J. Petrology, v 40, 1271-1300.

Marsh, B. D., 2000, Magma Chambers. Encyclopedia of Volcanoes. Academic Press, 191-206.

Zieg, M. J. and B. D. Marsh, 2002, Crystal Size Distributions and Scaling Laws in the Quantification of Igneous Textures. J. Petrology v43, 85-101.