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Guest Speaker Readings & Presentations

Ian Hewitt's Talk Abstract, Suggested Readings & Presentation

Talk Abstract (pdf)

Glacial Hydrology and Consequences for Ice-sheet Dynamics

Ian Hewitt
Mathematical Institute
Oxford University, UK

Powerpoint Presentation

Glacial hydrology and consequences for ice-sheet dynamics

Ian Hewitt
University of Oxford

Getting Under Europa's Skin: Robots, Radar and the Search for Life
Video of Ian's Presentation (click on link below)

Bell, R. 2008 The role of subglacial water in ice-sheet mass balance. Nature Geoscience 1. 297-304 (pdf)

Required reading

Le Brocq, A. et al. 2013 Evidence from ice shelves for channelized meltwater flow beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet, Nature Geoscience, doi:10.1038/NGEO1977 (pdf)

Required reading

Andrews, L.C. et al 2014 Direct observations of evolving subglacial drainage beneath the Greenland Ice sheet, Nature do:10.1038/nature13796 (pdf)

Additional reading

Britney Schmidt's Talk Abstract, Suggested Readings & Presentation

Talk Abstract (pdf)

Getting Under Europa's Skin: Robots, Radar and the Search for Life
Dr. Britney Schmidt
Georgia Tech
Georgia Institute of Technology
Thursday, May 5
1:30 - 2:30 p.m.
Clark 507, Quissett Campus, WHOI

Video of Britney's presentaion (click link below)

K. M. Soderlund et al.: Ocean-driven heating of Europa's icy shell at low latitudes, NATURE GEOSCIENCE, VOL 7, JANUARY 2014 (pdf)

Required reading for students

B. E. Schmidt et al.: Active formation of "chaos terrain" over shallow subsurface water on Europa, Nature, 479, 502-505 (24 November 2011) (pdf)

Required reading for students

Inka Koch et al.: Marine ice recycling at the southern McMurdoIce Shelf, Antarctica, Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 61, No. 228, 2015 (pdf)

Additional reading for reference

CRAVEN, M., I. ALLISON, H.A. FRICKER, R.C. WARNER (2009) Properties of a marine ice layer under the Amery Ice Shelf, Journal of Glaciology, 55(192), 717-728. doi:10.3189/002214309789470941 (pdf)

Additional reading for reference

Pierre Dutrieux's Suggested Reading, Talk Summary & Presentation

Talk Summary (pdf)

Ocean-Ice sheet interactions: the case of the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica

Pierre Dutrieux
Polar Science Center
University of Washington

Powerpoint Presentation

Ocean-Ice sheet interactions: the case of the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica
Pierre Dutrieux
Polar Science Center
University of Washington

E. Rignot et al.: Ice Shelf Melting Around AntarcticaScienceExpress/ / 13 June 2013 / Page 2/ 10.1126/science.1235798 (includes Supplementary Materials)

Required reading

Pierre Dutrieux et al.: Strong Sensitivity of Pine Island Ice-Shelf Melting to Climatic Variability, 10 JANUARY 2014 VOL 343 (includes Supplementary Materials) (pdf)

Required reading

Adrian Jenkins et al.: Observations beneath Pine Island Glacier in West Antarctica and implications for its retreatNATURE GEOSCIENCE | VOL 3 | JULY 2010 | (pdf)

Additional reading for reference

Pierre Dutrieux et al.: Basal terraces on melting ice shelves, AGU Geophysical Research Letters2014 (pdf)

Additional reading for reference

Mike Jakuba's Talk Abstract, Suggested Readings & Presentation

Talk Abstract (pdf)

The Nereid Under Ice (NUI) Hybrid ROV

Michael Jakuba
Research Engineer
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI

Video of Presentaion (click on link below)

Katlein, C., et al. (2015), Influence of ice thickness and surface properties on light transmission through Arctic sea ice, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 120, doi:10.1002/2015JC010914 (pdf)

Required reading for students

Andrew D. Bowen et al.: Design of Nereid-UI: A Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle for Oceanographic Access Under Ice, WHOI Report (pdf)

Additional reading for reference

Rob DeConto's Talk Abstract, Suggested Readings, and Presentation

Talk Abstract (pdf)

Commitment to Future Retreat of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and Implications for New England

Prof. Rob DeConto
University of Massachusetts-Amherst

R.M. DeConto and D. Pollard: Contribution of Antarctica to past and future sea-level rise, Nature, Vol. 531, March 31, 2016, p. 591. doi: 10.1038/nature 17145 (pdf).

Required reading for students

Dutton et al.: Sea-level rise due to polar ice-sheet mass loss during past warm periods, SCIENCE, 10 JULY 2015, VOL 349 ISSUE 6244 (pdf)

Reference material

R.M. DeConto and D. Pollard: Modelling West Antarctic ice sheet growth and collapse through the past five million years, NATURE, Vol 458| 19 March 2009 (pdf)

Reference material

Grant Bigg's Talk Abstract, Suggested Readings & Presentaion

Talk Abstract (pdf)

The Role of Icebergs in Global Change

Grant Bigg
Professor in Earth Systems Science
University of Sheffield, UK

PowerPoint Presentation
Video of presentaion (click link below)

Bigg, G. R., et al., 2014, A century of variation in the dependence of Greenland iceberg calving on ice sheet surface mass balance and regional climate change, Proc. Roy. Soc Ser. A, 470, 20130662, doi:10.1098/rspa.2013.0662. (pdf)

Required reading for students

Duprat, L. P. A. M., G. R. Bigg, D. J. Wilton, 2016, Enhanced Southern Ocean marine productivity due to fertilization by giant icebergs, Nature Geoscience, doi:10.1038/NGEO2633. Includes Supplemental Information DOI: 10.1038/NGEO2633 (pdf)

Required reading for students

Grant R. Bigg, Richard C. Levine, Clare L. Green: Modelling abrupt glacial North Atlantic freshening: Rates of change and their implications for Heinrich events, Global and Planetary Change79 (2011) 176 - 192 (pdf)

Additional reading for reference

Jemma Wadham's Talk Abstract, Suggested Readings, and Presentation

Talk Abstract, and Bio

Exploring the Impacts of Glacier Melting Upon Marine Ecosystems

Professor Jemma L Wadham
University of Bristol, UK

Video of Presentation (click on link below)

Hawkings, J., Wadham, J.L., Tranter, M., Raiswell, R., Benning, L.G., Statham, P.J., Tedstone, A. and Nienow, P. (2014) Ice sheets as a significant source of highly reactive nanoparticulate iron to the oceans. Nature Communications 5, doi:10.1038/ncomms4929 (pdf)

Required reading for students

Hawkings, J.R., Wadham, J.L., Tranter, M., Lawson, E., Sole, A., Cowton, T., Tedstone, A.J., Bartholomew, I., Nienow, P., Chandler, D. and Telling, J. (2015) The effect of warming climate on nutrient and solute export from the Greenland Ice Sheet, Geochemical Perspectives Letters 1, 94-104 (pdf)

Required reading for students

Bhatia, M.P., Kujawinski, E.B., Das, S.B., Breier, C.F., Henderson, P.B. and Charette, M.A. (2013) Greenland meltwater as a significant and potentially bioavailable source of iron to the ocean. Nature Geoscience 6, 274-278 (pdf)

Additional reading for reference

Hood, E., Battin, T.J., Fellman, J., O'Neel, S. and Spencer, R.G.M. (2015) Storage and release of organic carbon from glaciers and ice sheets, Nature Geoscience 8, 91-96 (pdf)

Additional reading for reference

Raiswell, R., Benning, L.G., Tranter, M. and Tulaczyk, S. (2008) Bioavailable iron in the Southern Ocean: the significance of the iceberg conveyor belt, Geochemical Transactions 9, doi:10.1186/1467-4866-1189-1187 (pdf)

Additional reading for reference

Peter Huybers' Talk Abstract, Suggested Readings, and Presentation

Talk Abstract (pdf)

Pleistocene Glaciation and Volcanism

Peter Huybers
Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

Video of Presentation (click on link below)

Peter Huybers and Charles H. Langmuir: Delayed CO2 emissions from ocean ridges as the cause of late-Pleistocene glacial cycles, Preprint submitted to Journal of LaTeX Templates, March 11, 2016 (pdf)

Required reading for students

John W. Crowley et al.: Glacial cycles drive variations in the production of oceanic crust, Sciencexpress, 5 February 2015 (pdf)

Required reading for students

J. A. Olive, M. D. Behn, G. Ito, W. R. Buck, J. Escart, and S. Howell: Sensitivity of seafloor bathymetry to climate-driven fluctuations in mid-ocean ridge magma supply, SCIENCE, 16 October 2015 , Vol 350 Issue 6258 (pdf)

Additional reading for reference

Maria Vernet's Talk Abstract, Suggested Readings and Presentaion

Talk Abstract (pdf)

Primary Production along the Atlantic Water Inflow into the Arctic Ocean

Maria Vernet
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla CA 92093

Maria Vernet et al.: Primary production within the sea-ice zone west of the Antarctic Peninsula: I -- Sea ice, summer mixed layer, and irradiance, Deep-Sea Research II 55 (2008) 2068 - 2085 (pdf)

Required reading for students

Maria Vernet et al.: Synthesis of particulate and extracellular carbon by phytoplankton at the marginal ice zone in the Barents Sea, Journal Of Geophysical Research, vol 103, No, C1, pages 1023 - 1037, January 15, 1998 (pdf)

Required reading

Patricia Matrai et al.: Relating temporal and spatial patterns of DMSP in the Barents Sea to phytoplankton biomass and productivity, Journal of Marine Systems 67 (2007) 83-101 (pdf)

Additional reading for reference

Michael Castellini's Talk Abstract, Suggested Readings, and Presentation

Talk Abstract and Speaker Bio (pdf)

Marine Arctic 2020: At the Intersection of Science, Education, Policy and Environment

Michael Castellini
Senior Faculty, Center for Arctic Policy Studies
University of Alaska Fairbanks

PowerPoint Presentation (pdf)

Marine Arctic 2020: At the Intersection of Science, Education, Policy and Environment

Michael Castellini
Associate Dean, Graduate School
Senior Faculty, Center for Arctic Policy Studies
University of Alaska Fairbanks

Sue E. Moore and Henry P. Huntington: Arctic Marine Mammals and Climate Change: Impacts and Resilience, Ecological Applications, 18(2) Supplement, 2008, pp. S157 - S165 (pdf)

Required reading for students

Njord Wegge: The emerging politics of the Arctic Ocean. Future management of the living marine resources, Marine Policy, 51 (2015) 331 - 338 (pdf)

Required reading for students

Doug Martinson's Suggested Readings, and Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation

Antarctic Ocean-Ice Interactions, and Some Climatic Implications

Doug Martinson
Doherty Senior Research Scientist
Division of Ocean and Climate Physics
LDEO/Columbia University

Video of Presentation (link below)

Douglas G. Martinson and Richard A. Iannuzzi: Antarctic Ocean-Ice Interaction: Implications from Ocean Bulk Property Distributions in the Weddell Gyre, ANTARCTIC SEA ICE: PHYSICAL PROCESSES, INTERACTIONS AND VARIABILITY ANTARCTIC RESEARCH SERIES, VOLUME 74, PAGES 243-271, 1998

Required reading for students

Douglas G. Martinson: Evolution of the Southern Ocean Winter Mixed Layer and Sea Ice: Open Ocean Deepwater Formation and Ventilation, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 95, NO. C7, pages 11, 641- 1J, 654, JULY 15, 1990

Required reading for students

Scott Doney's Talk Abstract, Suggested Readings, and Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation (pdf)

Changing Coastal-Ocean Biogeochemistry Along The Western Antarctic Peninsula

Scott Doney
Senior Scientist & Dept. Chair

Video of Presentation (link below)

Abstract (pdf)

Changing Coastal-Ocean Biogeochemistry Along The Western Antarctic Peninsula

Scott Doney
Senior Scientist & Department Chair
Marine Chemistry & Geochemistry
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Ducklow, H.W et al. West Antarctic Peninsula: An ice-dependent coastal marine ecosystem in transition. Oceanography 26 (3):190–203, 2013 (pdf)

Required reading for students

Grace K. Saba et al.: Winter and spring controls on the summer food web of the coastal West Antarctic Peninsula,Nature Communications, Received 23 Dec 2013 | Accepted 6 Jun 2014 | Published 7 Jul 2014 (pdf)

Required reading for students

M. T. Kavanaugh1 et al.: Effect of continental shelf canyons on phytoplankton biomass and community composition along the western Antarctic Peninsula,Marine Ecology Progress Series,Vol. 524: 11-26, 2015 (pdf)

Additional reference article

Don Perovich's Talk Abstract, Suggested Readings, and Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation (pptx)

Sea Ice and Sunlight in a Changing Arctic

Don Perovich
Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College

Talk Abstract

Sea Ice and Sunlight in a Changing Arctic

Don Perovich
Thayer School of Engineering
Dartmouth College
Hanover NH, USA

Meier, W. N., et al. (2014), Arctic sea ice in transformation: A review of recent observed changes and impacts on biology and human activity, Rev. Geophys., 51, 185 - 217, doi:10.1002/ 2013RG000431.

Required reading for students taking the course

Donald K. Perovich and Jacqueline A. Richter-Menge (2015): Regional variability in sea ice melt in a changing Arctic Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 373: 20140165

Required reading for students

N. Untersteiner: On the Mass and Heat Budget of Arctic Sea Ice, Archiv fur Meteorologie, Geophysik und Bioklimatologie, Serie A, January 1961, Volume 12, Issue 2, pp 151-182

Additional reference article

M. O. Jeffries, J. Richter-Menge, and J.E. Overland, Eds., 2015: Arctic Report Card 2015, card (pdf)

Additional reference article

Ian Eisenman's Talk Abstract , Suggested Readings, and Presentation

PowerPoint Presentaion (pdf)

Sea ice stability and early warning signals

By Ian Eisenman, Scripps

Abstract (pdf)

Title: Sea ice stability and early warning signals

Till J. W. Wagner and Ian Eisenman: How Climate Model Complexity Influences Sea Ice Stability, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, Volume 28, pp 3998-4014, 2015 (pdf)

Required reading for students taking course

Till J. W. Wagner and Ian Eisenman: False alarms: How early warning signals falsely predict abrupt sea ice loss, Geophysical Research Letters, AGU Publications, 2015 (pdf)

Required reading for students