2009 Geodynamics Seminar
Climate Change: Forcing, Responses and Geo-engineering
Thursdays, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m.
Clark Lab 507
Climate change is the theme of this year’s Geodynamics
Seminar Series. The talks will cover a wide range of time scales, from hundreds of millions of years to recent satellite observations. We will examine the interaction between geodynamics and climate, such as the impact of mountain building and volcanic out-gassing on climate, or the deformation of the whole earth as a result of glacial-interglacial climate cycles. We will also consider proposals for modifying our future climate on a global scale.
Bill Thompson, wthompson@whoi.edu
Bill Curry, wcurry@whoi.edu
Ken Sims, ksims@whoi.edu
Andrew Daly, adaly@whoi.edu

The Earth as it appeared to the final astronauts to land on the moon in 1972.

Katrina from space