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Guest Speaker Readings & Presentations

Mike Cheadle's Talk Abstract, Suggested Readings, & Presentation

Talk Summary (pdf)

Pito Deep - Revisiting Pacific Lower Crust, the 3rd Dimension of Magnetic Stripes and Long, Lost & New Found Hydrothermal Vents
Mike Cheadle
Department of Geology & Geophysics
University of Wyoming

PowerPoint Presentation (pdf)

Pito Deep - Revisiting Pacific Lower Crust, the 3rd Dimension of Magnetic Stripes and Long, Lost & New Found Hydrothermal Vents
Mike Cheadle
Department of Geology & Geophysics
University of Wyoming

Shuoshuo Han et al.: Architecture of on-and off-axis magma bodies at EPR 9 degrees 37– 40' N and implications for oceanic crustal accretion, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 390 (2014) 31 - 44

Required reading

Neil W. Perk et al.: Petrology and geochemistry of primitive lower oceanic crust from Pito Deep: implications for the accretion of the lower crust at the Southern East Pacific Rise, Contrib Mineral Petrol (2007) 154:575 - 59

Required reading

David F. Naar, and R.N. Hey: Tectonic Evolution of the Easter Microplate,JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 96, NO. 85, PAGES 7961-7993, MAY 10, 1991

Additional Reading

Enrico Bonatti's Suggested Readings & Presentation

Video of Presentation

Click link here:

Transition from a Continental to an Oceanic Rift in the Northern Red Sea

Enrico Bonatti, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Columbia University

W. Bosworth: Geological Evolution of the Red Sea: Historical Background, Review and Synthesis Chapter, In book: The Red Sea, Edition: 1, Chapter: 3, Publisher: Springer-Verlag, Editors: N.M.A. Rasul and I.C.F. Stewart, pp.45-78, January 2015 (pdf)

Required reading

Cochran J. R. (2005) Northern Red Sea: Nucleation of an oceanic spreading center within a continental rift. Geochim., Geophys., Geosystems, 6, Q03006.

Required reading

Bonatti E. (1985) Punctiform initiation of seafloor spreading in the Red Sea during transition from a continental to an oceanic rift. Nature, 316, 33-37.

Additional resource reading

Bonatti E., Ottonello G. and Hamlyn P.R. (1986) Peridotites from the island Zabargad (Red Sea). Journ. Geophys. Res.,91, 599-631.

Additional resource

Ligi M. et al. (2011) Initial burst of oceanic crust accretion in the Red Sea due to edge-driven mantle convection. Geology, 39, 1019-1022.

Additional resource

Ligi M. et al. (2012) Birth of an ocean in the Red Sea: Initial pangs. Geochim., Geophys., Geosystems, 13, Q08009.

Additional reading

Al Hofmann's Talk Abstract, Suggested Readings & Presentation

Video of Presentation

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Talk Abstract (pdf)

Where Did All the Subducted Sediments Go?
Al Hofmann
Emeritus Director of the Geochemistry Division
Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Germany

A.W. Hofmann, K.P. Jochum, M. Seufert and W.M. White: Nb and Pb in oceanic basalts: new constraints on mantle evolution, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 79 (1986) 33-45

Required reading

A.W. Hofmann: Sampling Mantle Heterogeneity through Oceanic Basalts:Isotopes and Trace Elements, Treatise on Geochemistry, Volume 2. Editor: Richard W. Carlson. Executive Editors: Heinrich D. Holland and Karl K. Turekian. pp. 568. ISBN 0-08-043751-6. Elsevier, 2003., p.61-101

Required reading

Catherine Chauvel et al.: Role of recycled oceanic basalt and sediment in generating the Hf - Nd mantle array, nature geoscience, Vol 1 Jan. 2008,

Additional resource reading

David Sandwell's Talk Abstract, Suggested Readings & Presentation

Video of Presentation

Click Here

Talk Summary (pdf)

Origin of Transform Faults and Gravity Rolls
David Sandwell
Institute for Geophysics and Planetary Physics
Scripps, UC San Diego

Ravi R. Kumar and Richard G. Gordon: Horizontal thermal contraction of oceanic lithosphere: The ultimate limit to the rigid plate approximation, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 114, B01403, doi:10.1029/2007JB005473, 2009

Required reading

David Sandwell and Yuri Fialko: Warping and cracking of the Pacific plate by thermal contraction, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 109, B10411, doi:10.1029/2004JB003091, 2004

Required reading

William F. Haxby and E. M. Parmentier: Thermal Contraction and the State of Stress in the Oceanic Lithosphere, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH , VOL. 93, NO. 86, PAGES 6419-6429, JUNE 10, 1988

Additional reading

D. L. Turcotte: Are Transform Faults Thermal Contraction Cracks?, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 79, NO. 7, JUNE 10, 1974

Additional reading

Bastiaan Collette: Thermal contraction joints in a spreading seafloor as origin of fracture zones, <i<Nature, 251, 299 - 300 (27 September 1974)

Additional reading

David Sandwell: Thermal Stress and transform Faults in Spreading wax, NSF Finale Project Report, 7/1/86 - 6/30/88

Additional reading

Henry Dick's Talk Abstract, Suggested Readings & Presentation

Video of Presentation

Click Here

Talk Abstract (pdf)

The Southwest Indian Ridge, Remelting the Gondwanan Mantle
Henry Dick
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Henry J. B. Dick, Jian Lin & Hans Schouten: An ultraslow-spreading class of ocean ridge, NATURE |Vol. 426 | 27 November 2003 | (pdf)

Required reading

Huaiyang Zhou & Henry J. B. Dick: Thin crust as evidence for depleted mantle supporting the Marion Rise, Nature 494, 195 - 200 (14 February 2013)

Required reading

Roger Buck's Talk Abstract, Suggested Readings & Presentation

Talk Abstract (pdf)

Links Between Magma Supply Axial Relief and Faulting at Mid-ocean Ridges

Roger Buck
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

Columbia University

Video of Talk (link below)

Buck, W. R., P. Einarsson and B. Brandsdottir (2006) Tectonic stress and magma chamber size as controls on dike propagation: Constraints from the 1974-1989 Krafla rifting Episode, J. Geophys. Res.111; B12, B12404.

Required reading for students

Ito, G, and M. D. Behn (2008) Magmatic and tectonic extension at mid-ocean ridges: 2. Origin of axial morphology, G cubed, 9, doi:10.1029/2008GC001970

Required reading for students

Taras Gerya's Talk Abstract, Suggested Readings & Presentation

Talk Summary (pdf)

Origin and Evolution of Oceanic Ridge-Transform Patterns and Triple Junctions: a numerical modeling prospective
Taras Gerya
Institute of Geophysics
Department of Earth Sciences

PowerPoint Presentation (ppt)

Video of Talk (link below)

Gerya, T.V. (2013) Three-dimensional thermomechanical modeling of oceanic spreading initiation and evolution, Phys. Earth Planet, Interiors 214, 35 - 52.

Required reading for students

Gerya, T. (2010) Dynamical instability produces transform faults at mid-ocean ridges, Science, 329, 1047-1050.

Required reading for students

Puthe, C., Gerya, T.V. (2013) Dependence of mid-ocean ridge morphology on spreading rate in numerical 3-D models, Gondwana Research, 25, 270 - 283.

Additional resource reading

Suzanne Carbotte's Talk Abstract, Suggested Readings & Presentation

Talk Summary (pdf)

Seismic Imaging of the Erupting East Pacific Rise at 9°50’N: Insights into the architecture of mid-ocean ridge magmatic systems and eruption dynamics

Suzanne Carbotte
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Columbia University

PowerPoint Presentation

Seismic imaging of the recently erupting East Pacific Rise 9°50’N: insights into the architecture of mid-ocean ridge magmatic systems and eruption dynamics

- Suzanne Carbotte1, Milena Marjanovic1, Shuoshuo Han1, Pablo  Canales2, Helene Carton1, John Mutter1, Mladen Nedimovic1, Omid Aghei3, Min Xu2, Bridgit Boulahanis1, 1LDEO, 2WHOI, Dalhousie3

Video of Talk (link below)
Suzanne M. Carbotte et al.: Fine-scale segmentation of the crustal magma reservoir beneath the East Pacific Rise, Nature Geoscience Letters, and supplementary information, Published online: 15 Sept. 2013

Required reading for students

Milena Marjanovic et al.: A multi-sill magma plumbing system beneath the axis of the East Pacific Rise, Nature Geoscience Letters, published online: 19 Oct. 2014

Required reading for students

Vera Schlindwein's Talk Abstract, Suggested Readings & Presentation

Talk Summary (pdf)

Deformation Modes of Magmatic and Amagmatic Ocean Lithosphere at Ultraslow Spreading Ridges
Vera Schlindwein
Senior Scientist, Section Geophysics
Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany

PowerPoint Presentation

Deformation modes of magmatic and amagmatic ocean lithosphere at ultraslow spreading ridges
Vera Schlindwein, F. Schmid, and Emmy-Noether
Junior Research Group MOVE
AWI Bremerhaven

Video of Talk (link below)

Schlindwein, V., and F. Schmid (2016), Mid-ocean-ridge seismicity reveals extreme types of ocean lithosphere, Nature, 535 (7615), 276-279.

Required reading for students

Schlindwein, V. (2012), Teleseismic earthquake swarms at ultraslow spreading ridges: indicator for dyke intrusions?, Geophys J Int, 190(1), 442-456.

Required reading

Escartin, J., D. K. Smith, J. Cann, H. Schouten, C. H. Langmuir, and S. Escrig (2008), Central role of detachment faults in accretion of slow-spreading oceanic lithosphere, Nature, 455 (7214), 790-794.

Aditional resource reading

Mathilde Cannat's Talk Abstract, Suggested Readings & Presentation

Talk Abstract

"Generation of the Oceanic Lithosphere at a Melt-Starved and Ultraslow Mid-Ocean Ridge"

Mathilde Cannat
Equipe de Géosciences Marines,
Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris

Video of Talk (link below)

Sauter, D., Cannat, M., Roumejon, S., Andreani, M., Birot, D., Bronner, A., Brunelli, D., Carlut, J., Delacour, A., Guyader, V., MacLeod, C.J., Manatschal, G., Mendel, V., Menez, B., et al., 2013, Continuous exhumation of mantle-derived rocks at the Southwest Indian Ridge for 11 million years: Nature Geoscience, v. 6, no. 4, p. 314 -320, doi: 10.1038/ngeo1771.

Required reading for students

Cannat, M., Sauter, D., Mendel, V., Ruellan, E., Okino, K., Escartin, J., Combier, V., and Baala, M., 2006, Modes of seafloor generation at a melt-poor ultraslow-spreading ridge: GEOLOGY, v. 34, no. 7, p. 605.

Required reading for students

Charles Langmuir's Talk Abstract, Suggested Readings & Presentation

Talk Abstract

"Low Degree Melts and Their Significance for MORB, FOZO and OIB"
Charles Langmuir
Professor of Geochemistry
Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences
Harvard University

PowerPoint Presentaion

MORB- What controls their major and trace element compositions, and what does that tell us about the mantle?
Charles Langmuir
Harvard University

Video of Talk (link below)

Kathleen E. Donnelly et al., Origin of enriched ocean ridge basalts and implications for mantle dynamics, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 226 (2004), pages 344-366

* Required reading for students

Allison Gale et al., The Global Systematics of Ocean Ridge Basalts and their Origin, Journal of Petrology, Volume 55, Number 6, Pages 1051-1082 , 2014

* Required reading for students

Allison Gale et al., Constraints on melting processes and plume-ridge interaction from comprehensive study of the FAMOUS and North Famous segments, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 365 (2013), pages 209-220

Additional reading

Muriel Laubier et al., Melting and Crustal Processes at the FAMOUS Segment (Mid-Atlantic Ridge): New Insights from Olivine-hosted Melt Inclusions from Multiple Samples, Journal of Petrology (2012) 53 (4): 665-698.

Addtional reading

Colleen A. Dalton et al., Geophysical and Geochemical Evidence for Deep Temperature Variations Beneath Mid-Ocean Ridges, Science, 344, 80 (2014)

Additional reading